Psoriasis Skin and Hair Care

Unpredictable, irritating, and persistent, psoriasis remains one of the most confounding skin diseases. Chronic, psoriasis goes through cycles of remissions and flare-ups throughout a person’s lifetime. Characterized by skin cells that grow at an abnormally fast rate, it results in an excess of dead skin which piles up to form thick, flaky, red patches called “plaques.” These plaques can be very itchy and painful, and they can sometimes even crack and bleed. The type of psoriasis can vary, as can the symptoms, but one thing remains the same for any case—it is not wanted.
Treatment of psoriasis most often consists of a variety of topical treatments, including salicylic acid ointments, steroid-based creams, and calcipotriene-containing creams. Unfortunately, all of these methods can also come with a host of nasty side effects if not used very carefully and sparingly, like skin irritation, weak hair shafts, temporary hair loss, burning, dryness, thinning of the skin, and more. Not to mention the potential expense that goes along with all the doctor’s visits and prescriptions.
Thankfully, there are some natural treatments for psoriasis as well, proven to relieve symptoms. At the top of this list is aloe vera, which is why it forms the base of all of our psoriasis products. Aloe vera delivers a concentrated boost of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly to the skin, the body’s largest organ. Additionally, it has incredible anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, making it the perfect salve for a skin disorder such as psoriasis.
Also part of pHat 5.5’s potent formula is manuka honey straight from New Zealand. Made by bees that pollinate the manuka bush, the tea tree of New Zealand, this honey retains the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties of the plant it’s made from. But that’s not all—this special honey is anti-inflammatory, contains antioxidants, and has such remarkable healing abilities that it’s been approved for use in hospitals to treat wounds. Cehami, an Australian botanical, is another notable addition, with its powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-irritation, moisturizing, and regenerative qualities. These three superfoods work together to soothe psoriasis symptoms, heal damaged skin, and nourish the body.
As the name suggests, pHat 5.5 makes sure all products are carefully pH balanced at 5.5 so as to match the natural pH level of the skin and hair. This helps to maintain the skin’s protector, the acid mantle, as well as to reduce irritation, creating the optimum environment for healing.
Formulated without any irritating or damaging chemicals, like parabens, sulfates, alcohol, petroleum, fragrance, or gluten, these products have been specifically made for psoriasis in every way. pHat 5.5 wants to help you handle your psoriasis as healthily as possible, and reveal beautiful, glowing skin and hair at the same time.